Cheng Fund for Innovative Research Grant
Tenured and tenure-track faculty members in the College of Sciences are invited to submit proposals for the Cheng Fund for Innovative Research grant competition. Created through a generous endowment from Dr. Richard Cheng, the purpose of the Cheng Fund is to support federal grant applications with a strong emphasis on original and innovative research.
Deadline: Please submit application packages to Jingdong Mao no later than 5:00 p.m. on Monday Feb. 28, 2022.
Federal Opportunities
NSF supports a wide range of programs and initiatives related to environmental sciences such as Directorate for Geosciences, Directorate for Biological Sciences, Directorate for Engineering, Directorate for Education and Human Resources, Interdisciplinary Research Centers and Initiatives.
The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) offers various grant and funding programs to support research in environmental sciences. Some of their programs are:
- Science to Achieve Results (STAR) Grants: EPA's STAR program provides funding for research in various environmental science and engineering fields. It covers a wide range of topics related to environmental protection, sustainability, and public health.
- Environmental Research and Business Support Program: This program provides grants to support research and projects related to environmental protection and the development of innovative environmental technologies.
- Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program: EPA's SBIR program provides funding to small businesses to develop and commercialize innovative technologies that address environmental challenges.
- Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) and Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF): These programs provide funding to state agencies and municipalities for water infrastructure projects, including research and development of new technologies for water treatment and distribution.
- Brownfields Program: EPA's Brownfields program provides funding for the assessment, cleanup, and redevelopment of contaminated properties. Research related to brownfields assessment and remediation is often supported.
- Environmental Education Grants: EPA offers grants to support environmental education initiatives and programs, including research that enhances environmental education efforts.
- National Estuary Program (NEP): NEP supports research and restoration efforts for estuaries and coastal ecosystems in designated areas.
- Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI): This initiative funds research and projects aimed at protecting and restoring the Great Lakes ecosystem.
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) supports research in environmental sciences through various programs and initiatives, particularly those related to energy and the environment. These programs may evolve and change over time, so it's essential to check the DOE's official website and research funding opportunities regularly for the most up-to-date information.
- Office of Biological and Environmental Research (BER): The BER within the DOE supports fundamental research in environmental and biological sciences. This office encompasses several programs and initiatives, including:
- Climate and Environmental Sciences Division (CESD): Supports research on climate systems, carbon cycling, and environmental feedbacks.
- Biological Systems Science Division (BSSD): Focuses on understanding complex biological systems and their interactions with the environment.
- Subsurface Biogeochemical Research (SBR) Program: Investigates subsurface microbial communities and their impact on environmental processes.
- Office of Science: Environmental Research: This program supports research on environmental processes, such as atmospheric and climate science, with a focus on advancing scientific understanding and technologies for mitigating environmental challenges.
- Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E): While primarily focused on energy research and innovation, ARPA-E may fund projects that have environmental benefits, especially those related to energy efficiency, renewable energy, and carbon capture and utilization.
- Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE): EERE supports research and development efforts in clean energy technologies, some of which have direct environmental benefits by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting sustainability.
- National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and Other National Laboratories: DOE's national laboratories, including NREL, conduct research on renewable energy technologies, energy efficiency, and their environmental impacts.
- Environmental Management (EM) Program: While EM primarily focuses on cleaning up and managing environmental contamination at DOE sites, it may support research related to environmental remediation and waste management technologies.
- Grid Modernization Initiative: DOE's Grid Modernization Initiative aims to improve the resiliency and sustainability of the electrical grid, which can have environmental implications.
- Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS) Research: DOE supports research on CCUS technologies, which are critical for reducing carbon emissions from energy production and industrial processes.
Please note that the DOE's research priorities and funding opportunities may change over time. To find the most current information on DOE grant and funding opportunities related to environmental sciences, visit the DOE's official website ( and explore their research and funding pages. Additionally, contacting program managers and subscribing to DOE newsletters or funding alerts can help you stay informed about relevant opportunities.
NASA (the National Aeronautics and Space Administration) supports a range of research programs and missions related to environmental sciences, with a particular focus on Earth and planetary science. These programs provide valuable data and insights into Earth's environment, climate, and planetary systems. As of my last knowledge update in September 2021, here are some key NASA programs and initiatives that support research in environmental sciences:
- Earth Science Division: NASA's Earth Science Division is dedicated to studying Earth as a system and includes various programs that support environmental research, such as:
- Earth Observing System (EOS): This program involves a series of Earth-observing satellites and instruments that monitor Earth's land, atmosphere, oceans, and biosphere.
- Carbon Monitoring System (CMS): Focuses on understanding carbon sources and sinks to better address climate change.
- Atmospheric Composition: Research related to air quality, ozone depletion, and the composition of Earth's atmosphere.
- Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP): Studies soil moisture's impact on weather, climate, and agriculture.
- Climate Modeling, Analysis, and Prediction (CMAP): CMAP supports research in climate modeling and prediction, helping to improve our understanding of climate processes and forecasting.
- Planetary Science: NASA's Planetary Science Division conducts research on various planets and celestial bodies in our solar system, which can include studies related to their environmental conditions, atmospheres, and geology.
- Astrobiology: NASA's Astrobiology Program explores the potential for life beyond Earth and the habitability of other planets, which includes research on the environmental conditions necessary for life.
- Earth Venture Missions: These missions focus on innovative, cost-effective approaches to Earth science research, including environmental monitoring and data collection.
- ROSES (Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Science): This annual NASA solicitation provides funding opportunities for a wide range of research topics, including those related to environmental sciences.
- Heliophysics: While primarily focused on the Sun and its effects on the solar system, heliophysics research can have implications for Earth's environment, including space weather and its impact on our planet.
- International Collaboration: NASA collaborates with other space agencies and organizations on environmental research projects, such as the joint missions with the European Space Agency (ESA) and other international partners.
Please note that NASA's programs and research priorities may change over time, and new initiatives may be introduced. To find the most current information on NASA's funding opportunities and research programs related to environmental sciences, visit NASA's official website ( and explore the various mission directorates and research divisions. Additionally, you can check for announcements and solicitations on NASA's Research Opportunities homepage ( for the latest funding opportunities.
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) primarily focus on biomedical and health-related research, but they also support research in various fields, including environmental health sciences. Environmental health research at NIH is concerned with understanding how environmental factors can impact human health and well-being. While environmental health research is not the primary focus of NIH, there are several institutes and centers within NIH that have programs and initiatives related to environmental sciences. Here are some of the NIH components that support research in environmental health:
- National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS): NIEHS is a primary NIH institute dedicated to environmental health research. It supports studies that examine the effects of environmental exposures on human health and aims to understand how genetics, epigenetics, and environmental factors interact. NIEHS offers various grant programs and funding opportunities for environmental health research.
- National Cancer Institute (NCI): NCI conducts research related to the environmental causes of cancer. While it primarily focuses on cancer biology and treatment, some research projects investigate the role of environmental factors in cancer development.
- National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID): NIAID supports research on infectious diseases, including those that may be influenced by environmental factors, such as the spread of vector-borne diseases due to climate change.
- National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK): NIDDK conducts research on diabetes, obesity, and related metabolic disorders, which can be influenced by environmental factors such as diet and physical activity.
- National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI): NHLBI supports research on cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, including studies on the impact of air pollution and other environmental factors on heart and lung health.
- National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH): NIMH may support research on the mental health effects of environmental stressors and exposures.
- National Institute on Aging (NIA): NIA conducts research on aging-related health issues, including studies that examine how environmental factors can influence aging and age-related diseases.
- Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD): NICHD conducts research on child and maternal health, including studies on the effects of environmental exposures during pregnancy and early childhood.
It's important to note that while these NIH institutes and centers may support research related to environmental health, their primary missions are often centered on specific disease areas or health conditions. Researchers interested in environmental health sciences should review the specific grant programs and funding opportunities offered by these NIH components and consult with program officers to determine the best fit for their research projects. Additionally, interdisciplinary research that combines environmental health and biomedical sciences may be supported through collaborative efforts across NIH institutes and centers.
The U.S. Navy conducts and supports various research efforts related to environmental sciences, particularly those that pertain to naval operations and the marine environment. These research programs help the Navy better understand environmental conditions, ensure the sustainability of naval activities, and address environmental challenges. As of my last knowledge update in September 2021, here are some of the key programs and initiatives that support research in environmental sciences at the U.S. Navy:
- Naval Research Laboratory (NRL): NRL is the Navy's corporate research laboratory and conducts a wide range of research, including environmental science. NRL researchers often investigate topics related to oceanography, atmospheric science, and environmental monitoring.
- Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command (NMOC): NMOC is responsible for providing meteorological and oceanographic information to support Navy and Marine Corps operations. Research conducted by NMOC helps improve the understanding of ocean and atmospheric conditions.
- Office of Naval Research (ONR): ONR funds scientific research in various fields, including environmental science and technology, to support the Navy's mission. ONR may support projects related to oceanography, marine biology, and environmental monitoring.
- Naval Oceanographic Office (NAVOCEANO): NAVOCEANO conducts oceanographic and meteorological research to support naval operations. Their research helps inform navigation, forecasting, and environmental assessments.
- Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command (NAVFAC): NAVFAC manages Navy infrastructure and may support research related to environmental management and sustainability, including projects involving energy efficiency and renewable energy.
- Naval Postgraduate School (NPS): NPS offers graduate education and research programs, including those related to environmental sciences, oceanography, and marine biology, to support the Navy's needs.
- Environmental Compliance and Restoration Program: This program focuses on environmental compliance and the restoration of contaminated Navy sites. Research related to environmental remediation and restoration may be supported.
- Environmental Conservation and Sustainability Program: The Navy is committed to environmental conservation and sustainability. Research projects aimed at reducing the Navy's environmental footprint and promoting sustainability may be funded.
- Marine Mammal Program: The Navy conducts research to understand the impacts of naval activities on marine mammals and to develop strategies for their protection.
It's important to note that the Navy's research priorities and programs may change over time, and new initiatives may be introduced. Researchers interested in pursuing environmental sciences research in collaboration with the Navy should visit the official websites of the Navy's research organizations, such as the Office of Naval Research ( and the Naval Research Laboratory (, to explore current funding opportunities, solicitations, and research areas of interest. Additionally, contacting program officers within these organizations can provide valuable guidance on potential research opportunities and collaborations.
The Cooperative Institute for Satellite Earth System Studies (CISEES) Institute
This is the Cooperative Institute for Satellite Earth Systems Studies (CISEES) that I mentioned
A few years on, it has $175M in funding via NOAA. U. Maryland is the lead host. I believe George Mason U. is a member. In discussing satellite data analyses with NOAA and NASA, it was asked (encouraged) if ODU was a member, then it could expedite some funded pilot projects. At the time, this was exploratory about Harmful Algal Blooms/HABs and water quality with Margie Mulholland. Elspeth McMahon briefly met with the NOAA group that I know (lead who happens to be based in Fredericksburg.) I am continuing inquiries on this since my NASA digital twin grant has semi-monthly meetings with NOAA staff.
The U.S. Air Force conducts and supports research in various fields, including environmental sciences, to address challenges related to military operations, sustainability, and environmental stewardship. While the primary focus of the Air Force is on aerospace and defense, there are several programs and initiatives that support research in environmental sciences. As of my last knowledge update in September 2021, here are some of the key programs and initiatives that may support research in environmental sciences at the U.S. Air Force:
- Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR): AFOSR is responsible for managing the Air Force's basic research programs. While its primary focus is on aerospace research, it may fund research projects in environmental science and related fields if they align with Air Force needs and priorities.
- Air Force Civil Engineer Center (AFCEC): AFCEC is responsible for managing the Air Force's environmental programs and may support research related to environmental management, sustainability, and remediation of contaminated sites.
- Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL): AFRL conducts research in various areas, including environmental monitoring and remediation, to support Air Force operations. Research projects may focus on topics such as air quality, environmental sensing, and sustainable technologies.
- Environmental Restoration Program: The Air Force has ongoing programs aimed at environmental restoration and remediation of contaminated sites at Air Force installations. Research related to environmental cleanup and restoration may be supported.
- Energy and Sustainability Programs: The Air Force is committed to improving energy efficiency and sustainability. Research projects focused on renewable energy, energy conservation, and sustainable practices may be supported.
- Air Force Weather: Weather forecasting and meteorology are critical for Air Force operations. Research related to atmospheric science and weather prediction may be conducted to enhance mission planning and execution.
- Environmental Compliance and Conservation: Research related to environmental compliance, conservation, and compliance with environmental regulations may be supported to ensure Air Force installations meet environmental standards.
- Partnerships and Collaborations: The Air Force often collaborates with other government agencies, academic institutions, and industry partners on research projects. Collaborative efforts may include environmental sciences research.
It's important to note that the Air Force's research priorities and programs may evolve over time, and new initiatives may be introduced. Researchers interested in pursuing environmental sciences research in collaboration with the Air Force should visit the official websites of Air Force research organizations, such as AFOSR ( and AFRL (, to explore current funding opportunities, solicitations, and research areas of interest. Additionally, contacting program managers and liaisons within these organizations can provide valuable guidance on potential research opportunities and collaborations.
The U.S. Army conducts and supports research in various fields, including environmental sciences, to address challenges related to military operations, sustainability, and environmental stewardship. While the primary focus of the Army is on defense and national security, there are several programs and initiatives that may support research in environmental sciences such as the U.S> Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Environmental Quality program,
The U.S. Army conducts and supports research in various fields, including environmental sciences, to address challenges related to military operations, sustainability, and environmental stewardship. While the primary focus of the Army is on defense and national security, there are several programs and initiatives that may support research in environmental sciences. As of my last knowledge update in September 2021, here are some of the key programs and initiatives that may support research in environmental sciences at the U.S. Army:
- U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE): The USACE is responsible for a wide range of civil engineering and environmental management activities. It often conducts and funds research related to water resources, environmental restoration, flood risk management, and ecosystem restoration.
- Environmental Quality Program: The U.S. Army has established an Environmental Quality Program to address environmental concerns, promote sustainability, and comply with environmental regulations. Research projects related to environmental compliance, conservation, and sustainability may be supported.
- Army Environmental Research and Development Program (AERDP): AERDP supports research aimed at addressing environmental and natural resource challenges facing the Army. Research areas may include environmental technology, land management, and ecological restoration.
- Army Compatible Use Buffer (ACUB) Program: ACUB is focused on protecting the military mission by minimizing incompatible land uses near military installations. Research projects related to land use planning, conservation, and compatible land management may be supported.
- Partnerships and Collaborations: The U.S. Army often collaborates with other government agencies, academic institutions, and industry partners on research projects. Collaborative efforts may include environmental sciences research, especially in areas where military activities intersect with environmental concerns.
- Installation Sustainability Program: The Army is committed to improving sustainability and reducing its environmental footprint. Research projects focused on energy efficiency, renewable energy, waste reduction, and sustainable practices may be supported.
- Army Medical Research and Development Command (USAMRDC): While primarily focused on medical research, USAMRDC may fund research related to environmental health, including studies on the health effects of environmental exposures.
- Army Research Laboratory (ARL): ARL conducts research in various scientific disciplines, including materials science, physics, and engineering, which may have applications in environmental sciences and sustainability.
It's important to note that the Army's research priorities and programs may evolve over time, and new initiatives may be introduced. Researchers interested in pursuing environmental sciences research in collaboration with the Army should visit the official websites of Army research organizations, such as the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers ( and the Army Environmental Command (, to explore current funding opportunities, solicitations, and research areas of interest. Additionally, contacting program managers and liaisons within these organizations can provide valuable guidance on potential research opportunities and collaborations.
College of Sciences
College of Sciences
Virginia State Opportunities
There are several state agencies and organizations that oversee and support environmental research, conservation, and management efforts.
- Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) (Virginia DEQ | Home): The Virginia DEQ is responsible for protecting and enhancing the quality of Virginia's environment. They oversee various programs related to air and water quality, land use, waste management, and environmental permitting.
- Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) (Department of Conservation and Recreation ( DCR is responsible for the conservation of natural resources and promoting outdoor recreation. They manage state parks, natural area preserves, and conservation programs.
- Virginia Department of Forestry: This department is responsible for the sustainable management of Virginia's forests, which includes conservation efforts, forest research, and wildfire prevention.
- Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries (DGIF): DGIF manages wildlife conservation and hunting and fishing regulations in the state. They may support research on wildlife and habitat conservation.
- Virginia Institute of Marine Science (VIMS): VIMS, affiliated with the College of William & Mary, conducts research on marine and coastal ecosystems. They often collaborate with state agencies and organizations on environmental research and conservation efforts.
- Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Service (VDACS): VDACS oversees agriculture and consumer protection in the state. They may support research related to sustainable agriculture and environmental stewardship.
- Virginia Coastal Zone Management Program: This program focuses on the conservation and sustainable use of Virginia's coastal resources. It often supports research on coastal and marine environmental issues.
- Virginia Department of Health (VDH): VDH may support research related to public health and environmental health concerns, such as water quality and disease control.
- Virginia Energy Efficiency Council (VAEEC): While primarily focused on energy efficiency, the VAEEC may support research related to environmental sustainability and clean energy initiatives
- Virginia Foundation for Agriculture, Innovation and Rural Sustainability (VA FAIRS): VA FAIRS may fund research and projects related to sustainable agriculture and rural environmental issues.
To find specific programs and funding opportunities related to environmental sciences in the Virginia state government, It is recommended that you visit the official websites of these agencies and organizations and explore their respective environmental and research sections. Additionally, you can contact these agencies directly for information on current research initiatives and funding opportunities in the field of environmental sciences.
Private Charitable Foundations
Numerous private foundations and organizations provide funding and support for research in environmental sciences. These foundations have a wide range of interests and priorities within the field of environmental science, including climate change, conservation, sustainability, biodiversity, and more. Keep in mind that the availability of funding opportunities may change over time, so it's essential to regularly check the foundation's websites and contact them for the most up-to-date information. Here are some well-known private foundations that have historically supported research in environmental sciences:
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation: We fund research and education in science, technology, engineering, mathematics and economics. Founded in 1934 by industrialist Alfred P. Sloan Jr., the Foundation is a not-for-profit grantmaking institution that supports high quality, impartial scientific research; fosters a robust, diverse scientific workforce; strengthens public understanding and engagement with science; and promotes the health of the institutions of scientific endeavor. In addition to research, the foundation focuses on diversity, equity, and inclusion in STEM higher education.
Burroughs Wellcome Fund: The Burroughs Wellcome Fund serves and strengthens society by nurturing a diverse group of leaders in biomedical sciences to improve human health through education and powering discovery in frontiers of greatest need. The Burroughs Wellcome Fund’s grantmaking strategies support biomedical scientists at the beginning of their careers and areas of science that are poised for significant advancement but are currently undervalued and underfunded. BWF has programs that support primary and secondary students, science and mathematics teachers, institutions, and academic scientists: postdoctoral-faculty bridging awards and faculty awards.
Chesapeake Bay Foundation: The Chesapeake Bay Foundation lists requests for qualifications and proposals on this website for its competitive bid process. If you are interested in a qualification or bid process please read the appropriate project documents for process instructions.
Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation: Gordon and Betty Moore established the foundation to create positive outcomes for future generations. In pursuit of that vision, we foster path-breaking scientific discovery, environmental conservation, patient care improvements and preservation of the special character of the San Francisco Bay Area.
Jeffress Trust: This funding program is focused on three areas:
- Policy, Systems, and Environmental change strategies (PSE strategies) Analysis. Determine or identify new/promising PSE strategies, evaluating existing PSE strategies to learn what’s working and what’s not working (lessons learned), or adapting/adopting evidence-based PSE strategies for the context of Virginia to advance health equity.
- Program/Practice Analysis. Analysis of new or existing community-based programs and their impact on advancing health equity and their potential to be scaled or replicated. Determining why programs no longer running may not have had the intended impact or effect as designed, that could improve future programming. The Jeffress Trust will not provide program support under this mechanism.
- General Research. Analysis of how institutional practices, social norms, relationships, leadership structures, modes of communications, values and beliefs, community history, community settings, societal factors and/or social-factors, influence health either through advancing or undermining health promoting policies and programs in ways not yet identified. Research must be action-oriented such that a plan for how findings
Petroleum Research Fund (ACS Petroleum Research Fund - American Chemical Society): The Petroleum Research Fund is an endowed fund, managed by the American Chemical Society that supports fundamental research directly related to petroleum or fossil fuels at nonprofit institutions (generally colleges and universities) in the United States and other countries.
Simons Foundation: As part of the Simons Foundation's mission to promote excellence in science, we are committed to advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion across the foundation and the broader scientific community. The goal is to expand grantmaking and mentorship at all stages of the STEM pathway. (Note: While this foundation funds science research projects and the majority of their grant programs would align with the Office of Research, the DEI efforts specifically could go through Development.)
The Annie E. Casey Foundation: The Annie E. Casey Foundation (AECF®) is devoted to developing a brighter future for millions of children and young people with respect to their educational, economic, social and health outcomes. Our work focuses on strengthening families, building stronger communities and ensuring access to opportunity, because children, youth and young adults need all three to succeed. We advance research and solutions to overcome the barriers to success, help communities demonstrate what works and influence decision makers to invest in strategies based on solid evidence.
The W. K. Kellogg Foundation: Children are at the heart of everything we do at the Kellogg Foundation. Our goal is lasting, transformational change for children. As a grantmaker, we recognize that children live in families and families live in communities. Therefore, our three areas of focused work – Thriving Children, Working Families and Equitable Communities – are dynamic and always interconnected.
Chesapeake Watershed Cooperative Ecosystem Studies UnitCESU (
ODU is a member of the Chesapeake Watershed Cooperative Ecosystems Studies Unit (CHWA CESU). This is a regional subdivision of a national network of CESU's. It is around 80 partners and has funded some 1,000+ projects over $00M total. Many of these are federally funded task orders, so the CESU affords streamlined procurement and sometimes non-competing awards with short turnaround. There is a lower cap on overhead at ~20%. Most projects have tended to be natural resources problems, but social and environmental sciences feature prominently. Dept of Interior is a leading participant, but even DoD, NOAA, US Army Corps of Engineers, and USGS participant. One can monitor announcements and list oneself in the experts database, OR a faculty or team can also proactively approach a funder with a project...wherein the CESU can be a convenient mechanism.
The David and Lucille Packard Foundation: We work with people and communities to create enduring solutions for just societies and a healthy, resilient natural world. Priorities: Build Just Societies, Protect & Restore the Natural World, and Invest in Families & Communities. (Note: In addition to their other environmental grant programs, explore the Packard Fellowship Awards for early- career professors. Disciplines that are considered include physics, chemistry, mathematics, biology, astronomy, computer science, earth science, ocean science, and all branches of engineering.)
Doris Duke Charitable Foundation: The mission of the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation (DDCF) is to improve the quality of people's lives through grants supporting the performing arts, environmental conservation, medical research and child well-being, and through preservation of the cultural and environmental legacy of Doris Duke's properties. (Note: The most relevant funding priorities may be the Environment Program and the Child Well-Being Program. The Environment Program seeks to ensure a thriving, resilient environment for wildlife and people, and to foster an inclusive, effective conservation movement. The Child Well-being Program aims to promote children’s healthy development and protect them from abuse and neglect.)
Environmental Defense Fund ( Environmental Defense Fund supports research on environmental issues, including climate change, clean energy, and sustainable agriculture. Since 2017, EDF has awarded Summer of Action grants (Summer of Action Grants | Environmental Defense Fund ( to help organizations amplify their existing federal advocacy efforts around the urgent need for climate action. Grants awarded support organizations working on resilient communities, climate and health equity, climate action, electrifying the transportation sector and ramping up clean energy investments, as well as supporting efforts serving vital constituencies.
MacArthur Foundation - MacArthur Foundation ( The MacArthur Foundation may provide funding for research on climate change, biodiversity, and sustainable development through its various grant programs.
The Conservation, Food & Health Foundation ( This Foundation supports research and projects that address critical issues at the intersection of conservation, food, and health. The Foundation supports projects and applied research that:
- Generate local or regional solutions to problems affecting the quality of the environment and human life;
- Advance local leadership and promote professional development in the conservation, agricultural, and health sciences;
- Develop the capacity of local organizations and coalitions; and
- Address challenges in the field.
The Foundation prefers to support projects that address under-funded issues and geographic areas. The Foundation funds applied research, pilot projects, new initiatives, training, and technical assistance, rather than ongoing support for programs that are already well underway. An important goal for the Foundation is to provide seed money to help promising projects, organizations, and individuals develop the track record they need to attract major foundation funding in the future.
The JPB Foundation: To advance opportunity in the United States through transformational initiatives that empower those living in poverty, enrich and sustain our environment, and enable pioneering medical research.
The Kresge Foundation: The Kresge Foundation is a private, national foundation that works to expand opportunities in America’s cities through grantmaking and social investing in arts and culture, education, environment, health, human services and community development, nationally and in Detroit, Memphis and New Orleans. In collaboration with our partners, we help create pathways for people with low incomes to improve their life circumstances and join the economic mainstream.
Margaret A. Cargill Philanthropies (MACP): To provide meaningful assistance and support to society, the arts, and the environment. MACP develops and implements integrated grantmaking strategies across seven programmatic areas we call domains: Arts & Cultures, Disaster Relief & Recovery, Environment, Animal Welfare, Quality of Life, Teachers, and Legacy & Opportunity.
The New York Community Trust: National Environment Program goals: To mitigate climate change; make communities more resilient to climate change; protect public health from the hazards of toxic chemicals and pollutants; and preserve biological diversity.
The Walton Family Foundation, Inc.: Walton Family Foundation: Where Opportunity Takes Root. We work in three areas: strengthening the connections between K-12 education and lifelong opportunity, protecting rivers, oceans and the communities they support and advancing our home region of Northwest Arkansas and the Arkansas-Mississippi Delta.
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation: We have long-standing programs that focus on education, environment, gender equity and governance, performing arts, and effective philanthropy, as well as support for disadvantaged communities in the San Francisco Bay Area. In addition, we make grants for special projects and address other timely problems, such as challenges related to cybersecurity and U.S. democracy. We make grants to a broad range of institutions—from research universities contributing to public knowledge and performing arts centers engaging local diverse communities, to grassroots organizations representing millions of individuals and multilateral groups working on international development.
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation: The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation is working alongside others to build a Culture of Health providing everyone in America a fair and just opportunity for health and well-being. Developed in collaboration with the RAND Corporation, our Culture of Health Action Framework sets a national agenda to improve health, equity and well-being. Informed by rigorous research on the multiple factors which affect health, it recognizes there are many ways to build a Culture of Health, and provides numerous entry points for all types of organizations to get involved. (Note: While this foundation funds health research projects and the majority of their grant programs would align with the Office of Research, the Culture of Health grant program specifically would go through Development. Some of their funding priorities may be a match within the Psychology Department.)
W.M. Keck Foundation: The W. M. Keck Foundation strives to create far-reaching benefits for humanity by supporting both outstanding science, engineering & medical research, and organizations that enrich the lives of children, youth and families. (Note: While this foundation funds research projects, it requires all gifts to go through the Development Office, which is why it is included in this list.)
College of Sciences Faculty Awards & Research